Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lila's updates!

If only I could record every single funny thing Lila does... I could have written I huge comedy book!  She is so entertaining! LOL  I also wish I could have a camera running 24/7 so we could have a video recording of her conversations and all the cute things she does all day.  She's growing up way too fast.  It's sort of depressing getting emails from BabyCenter now because they read "Your Preschooler this week" instead of "Your Toddler this week"... I remember how upset I got when they stopped sending me "Your Baby this week"... LOL  It's bittersweet!

She's been counting to 10 in English and Portuguese for a while but, recently, she started counting to 20 in Portuguese... this is how it goes:
"um, dois, twes, tato, xinco, ses, sete, oto, ovi, dez, onze, doze, teze, tatorze, quinze, deseis, esete, eoito, hehenove, inte!"  Most times she'll skip "3" and "13" and I have no idea why!  I think it's pretty funny... LOL  She also knows a lot of colors now: pink, purple, white, gray, beige, green, blue, yellow, orange, red and brown.

Lila loves to sing...she sings "Twinkle-Twinkle" (which she's singing right now but with different words...she just made them up now...).  Her other performances include: Barney's "I love you", a few Veggie Tales songs but she'll only sing them along with the Veggie Tales characters, "The Clean Up song" and others I can't remember right now.  She'll surprise us every once in a while with a new song she learned by herself.  In Portuguese she sings "Tres Palavrinhas", "Florzinha de Jesus", "Meu Barco", "Aos Olhos do Pai", and other songs from DVDs we put on for her to watch.  Then there are the songs we made up that she sings along:  I do this little singing version of "who is the most beautiful girl in the world?" but in Portuguese and she answers singing "Eeeeuuu Soooooouu!" (meaning Iiiiiii Aaaaaam!)  :-)   There's also this one: "mamae ama a Lila" (which means "mommy loves Lila") but she took it upon herself to change up the lyrics whenever she feels like it and she'll replace mommy with "papai" (daddy), "vovó" (grandma), "nenem" (her dolls), "au-au or puppy", "cookie", "dedeiê" (it's what she calls her cups)... it's adorable!   She's also started a band.  She'll sit by the toy piano or keyboard and will give me or daddy a guitar, flute or drums so we can play along.  She also learned that in order for her to play the piano, she needs to open a book and make it stand on top of her piano so she can "read" the music while playing.  Go figure!  My sister sings beautifully, her husband sings, writes music and plays a few instruments, my brother-in-law plays the piano and so does my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law's husband plays the sax.  I think there's a chance she may pick up an instrument if I expose her to one soon enough. :)

Lila is also very polite.  Every parents dream come true, right?  She struggled with her pride and only recently she started saying "please"... we had meltdowns whenever we asked her to say "please" when she wanted something.  She constantly says "oots, sorry" (that's right, it's OOTS not OOPS...)  She has dropped the "no way" (or at least, it's not being said as frequently as before) and now when we ask her if she wants something she says "no, thank you much".  :-)  I love that! 

A few weeks ago, daddy took over the task of giving Lila her bath.  I've found he does a much better job at it.  Probably because he doesn't stress out as much as I usually do.  Now she takes her clothes and diaper off by herself and even attempts to enter the bathtub by herself which I HATE because I'm always so scared she'll slip and fall.  Ms. Independence here also tried to use the toilet by herself a few weeks ago and managed to fall in... LOL... I caught her just before she could seriously hurt herself, but her butt got wet anyway.  Lila's also very into trying on all her clothes and shoes, sometimes, all at the same time... needless to say, there's a daily clean up going on in her room.  BEDTIME:  90% of the time, daddy is the one that takes her to her room at night.  They sing together and my favorite part of the evening is when we put Lila down and we say: "let's talk to Jesus and thank Him for today?" to which she replies in a sweet voice: "yaaaay!" Jesus, I want to love to pray that much.

Aguilar and I are still amazed at how much Lila changed.  She used to absolutely HATE the car seat and car rides.  I'd always ride in the back and had to have a whole plan set up to entertain her but now she loves it!  Sure, having a DVD player in the car helps out, but she actually enjoys looking outside.  She'll constantly waive to people in traffic and say "bye! I'll see you".  So cute!  She loves going out now... her first words in the morning are usually "car" and "outside".  She'll get her purse, put on her sunglasses, put on shoes and grab her toy keys, then she comes to me to say "bye mommy, I'll see you" and then she grabs a doll, hops on her play car and waves bye-bye. :-)

Her eating habits have been weird... she loves her sugar, like me.  A few weeks ago, I gave Lila her first drumstick ice cream... She tasted it a couple of times, then closed her eyes and said "thank you for i-cream, amen"! :-)  If you think you wouldn't survive on tomato and french fries, you're wrong.  Lately, that's pretty much all Lila wants to eat.  We actually just experienced a meltdown here because she wanted Dora's 9 a.m.  At least she didn't ask for help from The Wonder Pets.  That's right... the other day, we were grocery shopping and Lila asks to get out of the shopping cart (as usual)... and I say no a bunch of times. Out of the blue she starts with "help, Ming-Ming, Tuck, Linny, Help!"  My daughter, ladies and gentlemen! 

About being a big sister:  I think Lila is still clueless about this.  When asked "where's the baby" she lifts my shirt and points to my belly but now when I pull my shirt up and say "look, it's Lila's little sister, Mia" she pulls my shirt down and says "night-night baby"... I'm not worried, but I think it's pretty funny!

I tried to make it as short as possible but, like I said, Lila has been up to a lot lately.  We'll be back soon!

Be blessed everyone!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lila is TWO!

I can’t believe how fast time went by…strike that! I meant to say “how fast time IS GOING by”. Lila is growing up too fast and each day we get to see a little bit more of her strong personality. I mean, this girl knows what she wants. Period. This is especially hard for me, since I’m a control freak... (hey, at least I’m honest about it.) Lucky for me, it seems like Lila is shaping up to be one, too. Adolescence will be a blast! (Can you sense the sarcasm in this last statement?) She is such a funny girl. We laugh nonstop when we’re together! The other day, American Idol was on and she danced to every single performance. And when the judges made their comments, she would bow down (putting one hand in front of her and one in her back) and say “thank you, thank you, thank you”, even as the judges were saying horrible things to the contestants! We actually got it on video. I just have to learn how to upload it here. She loves to sing.  I don't care how off-key she may sound, it's still the most beautiful little voice I've ever heard.  She's all around a very silly girl, full of surprises.  Lila acts like such a grown up sometimes but most times I still see her as a little baby and that's probably because she's so attached to her mommy and her daddy.  Anyone that knows her, knows how shy she is.  I get a lot of ---I will say "advice"--- about what we should try to make sure Lila becomes more outgoing and how she can develop better social skills.  I find myself getting a little stressed out sometimes because not everyone has a chance to see how cute and funny Lila is, but deep down I have to say I feel incredibly blessed that she's not the much "adventurous" and "overly-extrovert" type because I know that has its own difficulties (much like having a child who has an introvert personality).  Lila takes a little time to warm up to what?  I read that introverts make up about 60% of the gifted population but only about 25-40% of the general population. So, there!

Anyway, we had a great day! Literally, we did pretty much nothing. JR went to work as usual. The only difference was that he went a little later than normal so we had a great family moment in the morning while we watched Lila open her birthday presents and we prayed with her, to thank God for yet another wonderful year, where we were so blessed with an abundance of health, joy and just plain old fun! Later in the day, Lila’s cousins came over, and her aunts, grandma and her nana too. We sang happy birthday about 30 times that day (which ALWAYS included a candle on top of a mini cupcake) and many times in the 3 days following her birthday. ~:-)  Even today she woke up and was playing inside her crib, as usual,  then I heard and watched her through the monitor while she sang "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese and even blew out an imaginary candle!

I can’t help but to relive that entire day, April 6, 2008, and the days leading up to it. I wasn’t miserable for being 6 days past my due date but I was anxious to meet this little girl I had been waiting so long for. I had longed for the minute I would get to hold her, and just touch one of God’s most amazing know He molded her with His own hands and allowed me to be a part of’s surreal.

Labor was a blast (no sarcasm here). I had to be induced because I had a very low level of amniotic fluid. Labor lasted about eight and a half hours and Lila came after less than an hour of pushing. When she came out, she wasn’t crying. The nurse handed her to me, and Lila turned blue as I watched her, because she wasn’t breathing. They noticed it too, and took her from me. At that moment they called in “NICU for resuscitation” and helped Lila breath. She didn’t breath for about 2 minutes. Her heart rate went down but it didn’t stop and, after the NICU doctors helped her, she didn’t need a breathing tube inserted down her throat. She did, however, stay in the oxygen tent for a day, in the oxygen tube for another day and was finally released to me from NICU on the third day. She was the calmest, sweetest my eyes she still is. I remember when the doctors took Lila back from my arms when she wasn’t breathing I cried out so many times “God, breath on her Your breath of life” and He truly did. Her lungs are filled with the breath of the God almighty. How can I not praise Him every time I look at Lila?

And so I end this post with a verse from a song I love. I used to sing this part of the song over and over again while pregnant with Lila.

“oh, I sigh at Your wonders…oh Lord I labor for breath at Your creation. Your majesty has my attention and Your sovereignty has my devotion.” From Rita Springer’s You Still Have My Heart

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lila's ABC...

I read somewhere once that each person is either strong in numbers or strong in letters.  To be strong in both is rare.  I don't know if it's true but I always think it's funny that Lila loves letters more than numbers.  We have these foam bath letters and numbers in her bathroom and she loves to play with them.  As a result, she has learned a few letters and uses them for certain words.  Some words are in Portuguese, some are in English.  Here's her list so far:

A: "abasso" (which is really supposed to be "abraço" which is P for "hug")
B: "boos-boos" (which is "Blue's Clues")
C: "cookie"
D: ...... she only says this one sometimes. ("dedo" which is P for "finger")
E:  she only does the sign language for this one which is "elephant"
F:  "Fankin" (which is "Franklin"...she used to like this cartoon until the age of about 18 months)
G:  "meow" (because "cat" in P is "gato")
H:  "high-five"
I: .......she doesn't say it, but picks the letter out if we ask "where is 'igreja?'"... "igreja" is P for "church".
J:  "zesus" (JESUS)
K: ...........nothing on this one yet.
L:  "Yaya" (Lila)
M:  "mamae" (which is P for mommy)
N:  "nenem" (she calls her favorite dolls "nenem" which in P is another word for "baby")
O:  "oh-oh" (I know it's supposed to be "UH-OH" but she learned this one on her own... :-)
P:  "papai" (which is P for daddy)
Q: ...............nothing on this one yet.
R: ...............nothing on this one yet.
S: "Samuel" (explanation: there's a DVD she likes to watch that explains who Samuel was in the Bible)
T: "titia" (which is P for "auntie")
U: ...........she only says this one sometimes. "Uva" (which is P for "grape")
V: "vovó" (which is P for grandma)
W: ..........she doesn't say it yet but we're teaching her "Wernher", her uncle's name (my brother).
X: ...........she doesn't say it yet but we're teaching her "xixi" which is P for "pee-pee". =)
Y: "ye-ye"...she picked this one up herself, from watching Kai-Lan...which means "grandpa" in Chinese!
Z: ............she doesn't say it yet but we're teaching her "zebra"

She can count to 10 in English and in Portuguese...although, she will occasionally skip the 7 or 8.  Another funny fact is that I made up a little song that says "quantos aninhos a Lila vai fazer?" (meaning something like: how old will Lila be soon?) and she responds filled with excitement: "TWO!!!" ...just like that!

Periodically, I'll pop in and add more of Lila's cute "anecdotes".
Be blessed today!

Long time... so much to report!

Yes, I've been MIA for quite some time.  Too much on my mind, really.  Lately, even my thoughts have been somewhat disorganized, which is so unlike me. I've been trying to be fair in keeping a journal for the baby since I did it with Lila (check out my other blog: I feel bad that I haven't had time to document Lila's news (which at this phase, there are many!) but I'll try my best to do that today.  I can hardly believe she's almost 2!!!

Can I just say, I have the most wonderful daughter in the world? I know every parent feels this way about their children, but Lila truly is the sweetest, most adorable child. I've known many kinds of love and they are so different from one another. The love for your own parents, for your siblings, for your spouse and for God, but the kind of love you share with your child is almost breathtaking.

Lila has been up to lots of fun lately. Her vocabulary nearly quadrupled in the past weeks and for some odd reason she decided to speak English more than Portuguese (which is the language we use at home all day). I guess this shows that TV can't be THAT BAD! Blue's Clues and Veggie-Tales are her favorite shows. All of a sudden, she's saying "book, milk, keys, baby, cake, green, bubbles, car, night-night, puppy, paper, thanks, mommy, daddy, music, sticker" and other words that, before, used to be said in Portuguese. She's been mischievous too... whenever she does something naughty and we give her a "look" she immediately says "TUDO" (which in her words, mean I LOVE YOU...long story short, we tell her in Portuguese "te amo tudo" which means "I love you 'everything'". She will also say TUDO out of the blue and give us a hug and a kiss, or she'll say "Moooommy, I ov you" just like that! Melts my heart!

Lila's a very funny girl...constantly making us laugh. Just now she grabbed her handbag and said "bye mamae, bye puppy" (to the puppy on the TV commercial)... took her toy keys and headed for the door. =) She loves dogs...real dogs, toy dogs, you name it. Too bad her dad is afraid of them, otherwise we probably would have to get her one...eventually I think she'll convince her dad. Oh, and she's in her pink phase, too. Her sippy cups have to be pink (although she will drink from any color cup, but she's more excited about it if it's pink), her dinnerware usually has to be pink...and if she's picking out a crayon, a magic marker, or even a toy, it HAS to be the pink one. She's into choosing her own clothes and shoes, but not to that point where I'm embarrassed to let her out of the house...thank God!

She's a perfectionist, quite like mommy. She's meticulous with cleanliness, thank God! A neat-freak by nature! If she sees a drop of milk fall on the couch when she's about to have her drink, she'll ask me to clean it up before she'll even put the cup in her mouth. Her toys have to be in a certain order or arrangement (not all the time, because she's also very into spreading her toys all over the house) and she likes to share her favorite things with us, like her games or when she wants to play on her musical instruments - we actually have a band now...LOL...she chooses to play an instrument but not before choosing the instrument her dad and I will have to play WITH HER. She LOVES to color (the paper, the walls, herself...) and it's adorable that whenever she's coloring, she lays on the floor belly-down and raises her feet in the air... I swear I can see her as a teenager, laying on her bed, taking on the phone about boys...oh my God, have mercy!

She's so caring too. Whenever I hurt myself (which is often now, due to pregnancy-induced clumsiness) she'll hug me and say "aw mamae, it's okay" and kiss the boo-boo if I as her too. Randomly, she'll hug my belly, caress it and say "baby". I told you she's sweet!!! She parties whenever dad gets home and runs to him to give him his "abasso" (her own word for HUG because in Portuguese it's "abraco"). She loves her cousins a lot, even though she doesn't spend as much time with them as she should. Springtime is almost here so I'm sure this will improve. She's quite fresh too... she's into the "eeww" word and she sees something that's dirty, or if she sees a pair of socks (even if they are clean) she'll say "eewww"....she'll pick up a microscopic piece of lint off the floor and give it to me and say "cacaca".  She's also into the "nude" phase where she takes off all her clothes, diaper included. Just now she took her socks off, her shirt, and now she's upset because she asked me to take off her pants and I said "no". Oh, her favorite words at the moment: "no way" -- her answer to everything instead of just plain NO.

There are other cute things she does that I think it's pretty funny. For example, whenever I take her shirt off, she'll check to see if her earrings are still on. If I take them out for any reason, as soon as she notices she doesn't have them on, she asks me to put them on. Her hair: she doesn't fuss over as much as I expected her too, but she lets me fix it up without complaining.  She's very attached to her "mimi" which is any muslin blanket or towel.  She loves to cuddle with it and if she can find all of them, she'll cuddle with ALL of them.  Another funny thing is that when she is about to poop, she'll hide in a room, close the door and GOD FORBID I enter the room.  I guess she's like everyone else and likes her privacy... LOL  She likes the "idea" of sitting on the potty but hasn't quite shown interest in actually USING it, and I'm so okay with that!

I think I've shared a lot already, but that's not even remotely close to what Lila really is. She's just "heaven on earth" and a constant reminder of God's love towards us. For Him to trust us with this amazing little girl (and another one that's coming) it's just amazing. We only hope to honor Him in the way we raise Lila and her sister (and future siblings if it's in His plans). We pray she grows up in love with the God that made her and we pray she has a kind heart, a generous spirit, a sweet soul altogether.

I just want to wrap it up with the story of this little girl who changed my attitude towards life:

In the past weeks I have come to "know" a little girl from Texas named Layla Grace (very similar to Lila's name so I guess that was what caught my attention at first). We got news yesterday that she passed away after battling Neuroblastoma stage 4 for almost a year. She was only 2 years, 3 months old. I can't begin to tell you how she changed my life. I have new perspective on what I want for myself and my loved ones, especially my Lila and my baby girl who's growing inside my belly. Layla Grace Marsh has shown me that there are more important things that need to be done on this earth. It's not wrong to have certain expectations but I learned how important it is to positively impact people along the way. She showed me what God can do through us, especially during the times we may think He's not close to us. The strength and impact coming from this little girl is surreal. Her parents: a fountain of faith and strength. Sure, I'm not saying I don't think they had or will have tough days, but they always remained positive. I have learned to be a better mom, a better wife, a better daughter and a better person altogether. She has inspired me to always see the good and focus on the positive. For more information on her short but precious life, visit . Also, make sure to read up on Neuroblastoma. The symptoms are so common with the simple things pediatricians deal with day to day, that it is often diagnosed too late.

God bless you all!


(sorry if there are spelling errors...For some reason, I couldn't spell check the entry on this computer!)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby Blog Updated!

Just a quick note:

We updated our baby's blog! Check it out!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ultrasound #2 and updates!

As promised, here's a picture of our baby!!!

This ultrasound was at 11 weeks, 4 days. The baby was kicking and moving around during the whole time... already sucks his or her thumb (you can see it in the picture) and was constantly stretching. The doctor even said that if this baby continues to move this way, I'll be in trouble! 

Our next ultrasound will be in the first week of February. That's actually the BIG ultrasound...but since we don't want to find out the baby's gender, we won't have any big news to report!  That is, if we can actually control ourselves into not finding out... :) 

On another note, everything is fine with me...belly is showing already which is freaking me out.  The second time it shows so much faster than the first... I can only imagine how fast the third shows!!!

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!  It'll actually be "snow-free" in MA so that's a huge reason to celebrate!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Shame on me...

...yes, shame on me for neglecting this blog for such a long time!  With all the craziness from Thanksgiving, then planning Christmas and New Year's, I was so busy...and on top of it, Lila has been sick since the beginning of December with a cold!  As soon as she's about to get over a cold, she catches a new one...a result of going out way too much!

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, a great Christmas and now, a very happy 2010!  Sure, we were crazy busy, but we had a lot of fun. Thanksgiving was a hit, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.  The food was so good, and I finally ate a little, which I hadn't done in a long time!

We have news on the baby!  "IT" is doing just fine, growing just as it should, thank God!  I think I'll need to do daily updates here in order to catch up! Next post will be all about him or her!

Just a couple of pictures that we took for our Christmas card and my mom's Christmas card, too!

she is crazy about her nana!
For my mom's birthday, I gave her a photo session with all her grandkids. She loved it and so did they! Next year there will be 4 kids!!!